View Profile lol1337a
I chase the chickens in the long road of life... They don't like it so they peck the shit outta me.


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Under an old shoe

Joined on 2/15/08

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Woot- Stop Teh REAL Spam

Posted by lol1337a - February 26th, 2008

The following suck ass:

Mario cartoons
Pokemon cartoons
Stuff that show hate/racist stuff
Naruto (gawd such a bad series doesn't even compare to DBZ)

Any cartoon that relies on sprites for graphics...Okay for N00bs but please work on your art skills and work on your art. Your art will never get better if you rely on something that someone else drew i.e. Sprites.

BTW I've seen some hiliarious Mario Parodies like "It's a Me, Mario!" that are actually very funny. So please take the time to actually watch cartoons before you blam.


Its all so clear to me now folx. Please stop spam...I don't mean things by Kitty Crew or Clock Crew, Socom Crew, Lucky Stars, ect ect....Nope....Stuff by the likes of Alvin Earthworm! Yes! Mario = SPAM!

Yes *sigh*...So many talented artists with original content are being disregarded and being pushed back to obscurity (insert teeny violin music here) due to the bulk fabrication of Mario or Video game cartoons. Here let me quote a review of SMBZ6 by some fellow - f0d - I think he articulates it rather well:

i enjoyed this episode a lot more than the other ones, which bored me to tears, but i still think this series is nothing more than unoriginal videogame and anime references. the fight scene was flashy and you showed you have pretty good skills in flash, and i can definitely see why the flash is so popular. i just wish you'd put your talents to better use on a flash series using your own drawings and storyline, which i'm sure you're very capable of doing. i know its tempting to take to easy way out and gain popularity by leeching off the popularity of others, but try being a little more creative and making something thats worthwhile outside of newgrounds... kinda like the super flash bros did with their "another day" series. i'm sure you'll find that coming up with a concept thats all your own is a very rewarding experience.

and i know you aren't used to criticism but don't just dismiss this. it isnt criticism from a bunch of losers. the people who most dislike this series are fellow flash artists, those who actually draw their own artwork and create their own animation. what your flashes (and sprite flashes in general) have done is simultaneously lower newground's artistic standards and change NG users' expectations. now, there is a whole generation of new users who ONLY visit this site with the expectation of seeing videogame characters or something familiar, and everything else pretty much gets a zero. thats probably our main problem with this series.

So remember kiddies. Stop spam...Blam Mario. Don't make mario toonz no matter how tempting it is. Say no to Mario and Sonic and Zelda and Nintendo... Remember this is NewGrounds - Not MarioGrounds or Nintendoland. Mario Bad! Mario BAAAAAD! Oh yeah stay away from stolen sprites...If you want sprites make your own its fun! :P<p>%u2248%u2248%u2248</p>